The advantages to be gained from an active CRO program depend on a number of factors. Do you have enough traffic? How big is your margin? How good is your CRO agency?
This great calculator will help you understand the benefits of pursuing a program to optimize your conversion rate with the experts at KRAKEN DATA by displaying real ROI potential! Feel free to change the numbers to match your own website performance, the data will update automatically.The numbers in the green boxes are all editable, we have entered example data for both current web performance and potential CRO uplift.
We aim to get tests up and running from month one, maximising your ROI. For uplift we have pencilled in a successful lift of 5% for each month, actual results can achieve much more than this. Why not contact us to find out how we can help you improve your conversion rate (remember your competitors are probably already on the path to optimisation!).